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 Until You're Mine - Demi Lovato

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2 participantes
Lily Ginny Evans
Ladie's Team
Ladie's Team
Lily Ginny Evans

Cantidad de envíos : 66
Edad : 28
Localización : En un concierto a todo volumen en su iTunes...
Humor : aburrida en un foro vacio u.u
Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

Until You're Mine - Demi Lovato Empty
MensajeTema: Until You're Mine - Demi Lovato   Until You're Mine - Demi Lovato Icon_minitimeDom Oct 26, 2008 11:39 am

Esta canción de Demi Lovato también me encanta xD (más bien todas, pero sobretodo esta y la de The Middle)
Me gustan porque tratan de cuando te gusta un chico y quieres conquistarlo Shocked
Escúchenla y Léanla por favor Very Happy

My state of mine has finally got the best of me
I need you next to me
Ill try to find a way that I can
Get to you
Just wanna get to you

The world I see is perfect now
You're all around
With you I can breath

Until You're Mine
I have to find
A way to fill this hole inside
I cant survive without you here by my side
Until You're Mine
Not gonna be
even close to complete
I won't rest until you're mine (mine)

Alone inside
I can only hear your voice
Ringing through the noise
I can't find my mind
Keeps on coming back to you
Always back to you

[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/ynQp ]
Wanted something out of reach
It's killing me
You're all I see

Until You're Mine
I have to find
A way to fill this hole inside
I cant survive without you here by my side
Until You're Mine
Not gonna be
Even close to complete
I won't rest until you're mine (mine)

Just stop wondering
If we were meant to be
Forget about fate and just hold me
I’m ready to begin
The waiting has to end
Right now, Today
I’ve gotta find a way, yeah

Until you’re mine
Until you’re mine
I have find
A way to fill this hole inside
I cant survive without you here by my side
Until you’re mine
Not gonna be
Even close to complete
I wont rest until your mine

My state of mind has finally got the best of me
I need you next to me
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del piero
Boy's Team
Boy's Team
del piero

Cantidad de envíos : 100
Edad : 33
Localización : En Algun Lugar Nunca Imajinado
Humor : Con muchas ganas de dar todo lo que tengo
Fecha de inscripción : 28/10/2008

Until You're Mine - Demi Lovato Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Until You're Mine - Demi Lovato   Until You're Mine - Demi Lovato Icon_minitimeMar Nov 04, 2008 7:06 am

Hola estan muy chidas las musicas de Demi Lovato tambie la cheque
en you tube y me gusto mucho...


hasta luego bye
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Until You're Mine - Demi Lovato
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