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 Breaking Free

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Ladie's Team
Ladie's Team

Cantidad de envíos : 218
Edad : 35
Localización : Buscando la academia Cross me imprimé con un lobito al perderme por el bosque...
Humor : Intento imitar al Dr House...pero es inigualable...
Fecha de inscripción : 29/10/2008

Breaking Free Empty
MensajeTema: Breaking Free   Breaking Free Icon_minitimeVie Nov 21, 2008 3:19 am

Titulo: Breaking free
Cantantes: Troy y Gabriella
Mi historia con esta cancion: Me la pasó un amigo porque la escuché en su casa y me gustó. Además, justo hoy he visto la peli, y la verdad....no esta mal.

We’re soarin’, flyin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach

If we’re trying
So we’re breaking free

You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are

Creating space between us
‘Til we’re separate hearts

But your faith it gives me strength
Strength to believe

We’re breakin’ free

We’re soarin’


There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach

If we’re trying

Yeah, we’re breaking free

Oh, we’re breakin’ free


Can you feel it building
Like a wave the ocean just can’t control

Connected by a feeling
Ohhh, in our very souls

Rising ‘til it lifts us up
So every one can see

We’re breakin’ free

We’re soarin’


There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach

If we’re trying
Yeah we’re breaking free

Ohhhh runnin’

To get to that place

To be all that we can be

Now’s the time

So we’re breaking free

We’re breaking free

Ohhh , yeah

More than hope
More than faith

This is true
This is fate
And together

We see it comin’

More than you
More than me

Not a want, but a need

Both of us breakin’ free


There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying

Yeah we’re breaking free

Breaking free
Were runnin’

Ohhhh, climbin’

To get to the place
To be all that we can be
Now’s the time

Now’s the time
So we’re breaking free
Ohhh, we’re breaking free

You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are

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Breaking Free
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